Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Valentine's Day Love Story

Once upon a time, a boy from Australia...

met a girl from California.

They spent many hours writing emails and talking on the phone. But it wasn't enough.

So the boy from Australia headed out to California, so he could see the girl again. And the ups outweighed the downs...

So the girl from California got a job transfer, packed her bags, and moved to the other side of the world (showing strength in the face of potential giant spider attacks).

They did lots of fun things together. Like canyoning in the Blue Mountains....

horseback riding in New Zealand....

and even a Lakers game in Los Angeles.

They were awfully silly together...

and so they fell in love.

But just the 2 of them didn't feel quite right.

And neither did just 3...

So one day the boy from Australia and the girl from California decided to take one more trip...

where they made their family of 4 official.

And they lived happily ever after.


Deborah W said...

Awwww, very cute! Glad to see you are posting again, too!

Love ya! Deb

Anonymous said...

That was a very nice story, Kristen. I don't like you being so far away, but because you are so happy I will overlook it. Love to you both (and keep on blogging!). Mom

Kirsten said...

I love story time! that was a good one too!

Ireland 2024 said...

From one American in Australia to another,

I took a trip downunder for two months over the turn of the millennium. It was life changing. I hope to revisit one day.

Jennifer Monahan