Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug*

As you well know, there are days when you really shouldn't get out of bed. clarify, there are LOTS of days when I really should not get out of bed.

If on a bad day you think to yourself, today I'm the bug....well then TODAY would be a Mac Truck sized windshield, moving at the speed of light....and I, well I'd be a microscopic miniscule gnat flitting around the heads of atoms. Really. It was that bad.

Since I'm sure everyone has had there share of bad days and really, who wants to hear me complaining YET AGAIN....I'm going to plagarize a comment that JL made to my last post. That'll have to do you for today. Enjoy.


Further Chopstar update:

Thanks to her new-found ability to (1) sleep all night, and (2) hold it in for more than 5 mins at a time, Chops was recently upgraded on the party-pooper-boyfriend-can-we-keep-her scale from "No" to "Maybe".

That was before she decided to do a runner from the park yesterday morning, dodging through four lanes of rush-hour traffic, running into the underground train station a half mile stumbling after her in a pair of flip flops...through the turnstiles (no ticket!), back through the turnstiles again...just as I go through...and out the other side, trying to find Kristen who'd just caught the train to work.

The party-pooper-boyfriend-can-we-keep-her scale now reads "Humph".



Anonymous said...

Well, I can see that John can write as well as you, Kristen. And he is going far beyond his duty as a boyfriend to chase that little dog all over Sydney. You owe him a nice dinner. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Mary Chapin Carpenter is pretty great, isn't she.