Monday, June 30, 2008

The Ring

No this post is not about a horror film....its about a different ring altogether...

The Ring.

The Ring which was given to me by JL.

The Ring, which was only the 4th one I put on my finger, but which fit perfectly.

The Ring that sat on the shelf tonight so I could gaze at it while I bathed.

The Ring that had its first trip in the car today.

The Ring that is NOT alive, even though I chat to it pretty much all day long (i.e., Ring, how are you liking your first trip to the grocery store? Ring, try to stay away from the dog's tongue. etc.).

The. Ring.

Yes, I am the proud wearer of the most beautifully wonderful gorgeous-est-EST engagement ring ever created. Oh. Yours might be nice. But it ain't The Ring. And that's a fact sister.

Shout out to JL who is without a doubt, proving to be the best fiance, a girl could'a ever proposed to!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! The ring is lovely and I am happy you are so happy. Talk with you soon. Love you, Mom

Heather and Spencer said...

That post made me laugh pretty hard...I am not sure I know anyone who talks about their ring the way you do...but I guess they don't have THE RING like you do. It is beautiful! Are you going to have a wedding band with it, if so what will it look like? I am not sure you need anything else with THE RING, it is pretty darn gorgeous just how it is! Congrats again!

Deborah W said...

Be careful when you go swimming...that thing will sink you to straight the bottom! Congrats, and more details, please!!! Like WHEN & WHERE is the WEDDING?? Will we all get to travel to Australia and, if so, I need to get on the ball and find some Aussies to house-swap with! Love, Deb

The Rashall Family said...

The Ring is gorgeous! I love it. Congratulations girl.

Laurel Eldredge said...

Congratulations! The ring is beautiful, now I want to see a picture of the man! I am excited for you and wish you the best!

Jessica said...

I'm with Laurel. Love the ring...but I've never seen this mysterious JL dude. If he is going to by my uncle I'd like to be able to indentify him in a crowd. That way I can mug the guy next to him.