Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday: A Work Day

K: What was I doing? Oh, yes, I have to call that guy back.

[picks up phone - starts dialing]

K: I wonder what he wants. Wait....Maybe I should just email him. Then HE has to call ME back.

[hangs up phone]

K: Yeah, that's what I'll do.

[stares blankly at computer screen]

K: My head hurts - maybe I should take some medicine. Hmmm, when was the last time I took some.

[picks up meds and looks at package]

K: Were there always an odd number of pills left? Maybe I took too many...or dropped one. What if the dog ate it. Crap, did I put that rat poison up? Did the rat poison get on the floor when the pipes burst. Maybe I should call John.

[starts dialing - hangs up]

K: No I can't call John until I get some work done. What was I doing? Oh, yeah, I have to call that guy. No, no, I was going to email.

[opens Outlook, begins to compose message]

K: As soon as I send this he's going to call me. Maybe I should do my blog reading first. What time is it? 2:39....hmmm. Only an hour or so before I have to meet my trainer. I really hope she's nice today. Did I pack extra underwear?

[rummages through gym bag]

K: Here's some. Wait, I think I wore these yesterday. Maybe I should just cancel. I do have this headache and I already worked out once this week.

[looks up as coworker wanders past. realizes she has a pink thong in her hand. smiles idiotically and frantically stuffs pink thong back into gym back]

K: Well that was smooth. Well, whatever! It probably just looked like a tissue, or something. Ha! Right. Keep telling yourself that Kristen. This is very embarrassing. Quick type something....look busy.

[looks at email already started on desktop]

K: What is this? What was I doing? I wonder why my inbox is so full. Maybe I should delete some emails....but then I have to start filing them...that's probably a better job for Monday. Then I can do the whole week all at once. I wonder what I need to do this weekend. I should make a list!

[whips out pen/paper - begins making a list]

K: (1) clean apartment (particularly rusty water in kitchen)
(2) wash dog

K: ............I should probably just get her groomed. I hate spending the money, but she looks like a freaky Ewok right now....hehe, freaky Ewok. That was a funny blog post today about the Rancor from Star Wars....I should check those other posts. What time is it? Oh, 3:28....I probably have time....

K: No, No! I need to do some work....What was I doing?

[looks at desktop with confusion. sees partial email.]

K: Oh....emails....speaking of....I really should email Mom....

[starts typing email to Mom]

K: Ehh, I really should just call her. What time is it there? that too late? Nah, I've been waking them up for years. I think they're usually up anyway....

[picks up phone, dials]

Ring Ring Ring Ring

[hangs up]

K: I shouldn't call this late. Oh crap! I forgot to call my trainer to cancel. Maybe I should just run down. No, then I'll have to workout, and with this headache and all......I'll just send her a quick text and cancel....

[whips out blackberry and sends text message]

K: Sheesh. Another thing done! What a day.......


[stares blankly]


[stares blankly]


[stares blankly]

K: What was I doing?

[sees email on desktop.....again.....]

K: Oh, emailing Mom.... No. Calling her! That's right. I should really see how Lucy is doing anyway. She's such a good dog! I wonder if she'll remember me when she gets here. I should call and talk to her. I can call Mom and she can put her on the phone.......

[picks up phone. dials international. twice.]

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

M: Hello?

K: Hello?

M: Hello.

K: Hello.

[laughing hysterically. she always does this and thinks its reeeeaaalllly funny.]

[its not]

M: Yes?

K: It's your favorite daughter!

M: Oh! Hi Debbie!

K: Ha ha, very funny.............................I just called to see how you were.

M: Pretty good. How are you? Busy at work?

K: Yes! So busy! I've been trying to return this guy's phone call all day and I just can't seem to get to it.....

[30 minutes later.........]

K: What was I doing?


Deborah W said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! That's hilarious. I have had many days like that. I just lately learned the best way to deal with a scattered brain. Take the day off.

Oh, and about the favorite daughter thing? Now you know the truth.

Michelle said...

tooooo funny!!!!
you sound so much the Kristen I've known as my evil twin. I found your blog through facebook. sweet!