Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bogong Moth Damper

We are now in the midst of the great Bogong Moth Migration. What this means practically is that I came home from work today, and there was JL, standing in the hallway, with the door wide open, practically swarmed with these dang moths. They were everywhere -- clinging to his hair, perched on his shoulder, divebombing the neighbors (that part was funny). We then spent the next 2 hours alternately crushing them with a dustpan, and charging them with a can of bug spray. In all honesty, I think we must have killed or captured and released over 60 of these things (and this is in my tiny tiny apt (see previous post)).

Poor JL.

Anyway, to make a long story short, after such a fun filled evening* I really felt the need to come and do a little internet research and here are the fun facts I found out:

1. Bogong Moths migrate over 1000 km every year.
2. In certain ancient caves, the floors are covered metres high with dead moth bodies.
3. A Bogong Moth even starred in the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympics, when it perched on opera singer Yvonne Kenny during her performance.



Oh yes. They do. In fact, I found this handy little recipe right there on google:

Bogong Moth Damper
Before arsenic** found its way into the moths, they made a fine dinner. Here's a modern adaptation of an ancient recipe.

A generous handful of moths
1 cup plain flour
1 cup self-raising flour
1 cup powdered milk
1/4 teaspoon raising agent

Using a mortar and pestle (or near equivalent) pound up the moths with the powdered milk. Mix in the remaining dry ingredients. Add sufficient water to make a stiff dough and shape into a ball. Flatten the ball to a height of 2.5 centimetres, lightly flour the surface and cook in ash, camp oven, or domestic oven until cooked through. Serve hot.

I really wish we hadn't of gotten rid of all those dead moths now (JL sucked them up with the dustbuster). Could have made a fantastic feast!

Excuse me while I go vomit.

* Actually, it was a little bit fun....I particularly liked it when JL, standing in the kitchen with the dustpan in one hand and the bug spray in the other, announced "I am Praying Mantis." I don't know what that means exactly, but it was sure funny.

** Arsenic????....YOU'RE EATING A MOTH FOR CRAP'S SAKE! I would think you would welcome death after that.

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