Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane" or a stroll through the Royal Botanical Gardens

I'm in NY right now, land of the crazies, BUT....I won't escape that simply by moving to Sydney. Last month, JL and I decided that instead of walking straight back from my office to my apartment, we would take a nice stroll through the Royal Botanical Gardens. It was a lovely night, and the first day of daylight savings time, so even at 6:45 p.m. it was still warm and sunny out. What a nice idea right??

We saw beautiful, rare plants from around the world, huge fruit bats, great views of the harbour AND..... a woman, randomly screaming her head off among some reeds.....with her pants down around her ankles.*
To top it off, we got LOCKED in the garden and couldn't get out! Let me tell you, the fruit bats don't look so cute when they're taking to wing in the dark and you're stuck in a wooded area with a crazy woman.
Luckily we found a nice ranger to direct us to the last open exit....unluckily for us the crazy woman didn't and hunted US down for them. Strangely, her request for directions was quite polite....and even more unnerving since as soon as she got them, she began screaming again!**
To top it off, I failed to get even one decent photo of the bats. I did get the below, but as you can see, they kind of fail to show....well....anything really.

*Please don't be disappointed, but I failed to get a picture of that!
** JL assured me he knew defensive tactics and could have protected me in the event of an altercation.....which....of course....I believed.

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