This is the first installment of the series "Why My Life Rocks (and is way better than yours)".
Yesterday was Valentine's Day and all over the blogging world there were posts from frantic husbands and boyfriends for whom every year February 14 (coming right on the heels of February 13) arrives to shock and despair. These blogs detail emergency calls to the florist, runs to Walmart for the last bag of waxy chocolate, and the desperate card hunting measures that lead to "Happy Birthday" being crossed out and replaced with "Happy Valentines Day".
It has always struck me as strange that men could be so oblivious as to miss all the commercial signs of this impending holiday. Months before the shops start bringing in the red plastic hearts filled with malt balls, the plastic flower posies attached to red stuffed animals....I mean, you'd have to be both blind AND have your nose cut off to miss the color and scent of the masses of sugar and flowers coming into towns at this time of year. But every year it happens....men forget Valentines Day.....
This year was no exception in the JL/KH relationship. Oh, JL did make dinner reservations over a month ago which he confirmed with subsequent phone calls no less than 3 times. And he did show up with beautiful red roses and not one, but TWO different candy offerings (a box of candies, and a chocolate heart). But he forgot one very important thing.....
He forgot that we had agreed not to exchange gifts!
And that, my friends, is why MY LIFE ROCKS!
* PS, I, of course, didn't get him anything, so I'll just give him this:
Happy Valentines Day, Baby! xoxo
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