Thursday, February 21, 2008

Work shmerck

"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy." (Charlie McCarthy)

OK, who likes working? Anyone? I don't mean, enjoys the occasional feeling of success at having figured out a difficult project, or twinges of pride at finally getting that darn promotion. I mean, really likes the day to day fact of getting out of bed, putting on a suit (or a strippers costume, as the case may be) and going to the same old place, day after day after day after day..... It is truly endless.

I think there must be people out there that like it. Right? There must be since its become a world-wide OBSESSION this whole working thing. I tell you, I'm fed up! Who decided that getting up at 6:30 a.m. everyday, slogging through the rain to the overpacked and overheated train, smelling whatever crappy cologne is permeating the whole car for an indeterminable amount of time just to get to an office where you will be underappreciated, unrecognized and fulfill almost no purpose in the world should be the norm? I didn't get a say in the ballot was cast....not even a crappy show of hands.

Well, I am logging my official complaint. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Work. Every. Day. It has to be said. And frankly, I'm very disturbed that more people haven't logged this same complaint! What is up people??

Bummer about the whole not wanting to sleep under a freeway overpass thing though. It does throw a crimp in my plans....


Deborah W said...

I have so far spent approx. thirty years of NOT liking to go to work (except for a couple yeaars as a teletypist at Mattel -- now, THAT was afun place to work)! I got tired of it, too, and decided to just stop doing it. I quit the hated day-job and started my own little business doing something I LOVE - digital scrapbooking. Now I wake up in the morning and I can't wait to "commute" to my home office, fire up the 'puter, and start my day. Just a hint: it's true what they say, "do what you love, and the money will follow." Of course, you have to be patient waiting for that money as it doesn't happen immediately so let's hope it happens for me before I run out of savings to live on! Love, Deb (

Moi said...

Amen. Of course, technically I work for my kids. They are the most demanding bosses on the planet. No matter how badly I was micromanaged in the corporate world, never once did a boss follow me into the bathroom and ask what I was doing in there.

Kristen said...

Working for your kids! I CANNOT imagine tougher bosses. Though I wouldn't be surprised if mine actually DID follow me into the bathroom, listened carefully and then criticized the way in which I emptied my bladder. I wouldn't be surprised at all. :(

PS - Deb, if you run out of savings you can always come live in my guest room! Then you can blog away as much as you want!