Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank you JL

Oil painting of me and Lucy in front of our Soho, New York apartment.  Thank you JL.  I've never received a sweeter, more thoughtful gift....


Anonymous said...

Kristen, I know a painting won't bring Lucy back to you, but I hope it will help you hold on to all the great memories of the time you had together.

With all my love,

Deborah W said...

Wow. That's awesome. JL's definitely a keeper.

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful!!! i didn't even know jl painted. and wow, he really set the bar what can he give you to top that??


Anonymous said...

Kristen, That painting is great! Did John actually paint it himself? Or did he have it done. What a wonderful gift. I think you had better hang onto that boy! Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Mrs Hansen, I'd love to be that artistic. Alas, I can claim the idea but not the execution.

Jessica said...

That's so cool!

Heather and Spencer said...

That is really cool! How sweet too!