JL has been quoted (on numerous occasions) saying "You are the most well educated person I have ever met that knows nothing about politics."
But totally right.
I really don't know anything - and worse(!), I honestly don't care. Yes, I know what that says about me. I know it is my right and responsibility to take part in the political process, to take a stand where a stand is needed....but frankly, I just can't get up the energy. It is a terrible fault in my genetic make-up...which makes me think I really must be the daughter of the milkman. My family cares a lot.
Now don't get me wrong, I am terribly thankful to all the people out there that do educate themselves, and do care, and do go out and try to make a difference. But the whole thing makes me feel a little bit sick to my stomach. The amount of anger that goes into the process is frankly terrifying. So I guess you could call my politics, the I stick my head in the sand party. And hey, it works for me.
And I know (I really do know!) that this is a bad bad thing. I completely recognize that. And I have no excuse. Period. But there it is.
That being said, I absolutely ADORE Australian politics. I am totally enamored with the whole thing - and again, because I know nothing, I can just love it without feeling too invested!
To me, an American, everything seems twisted up and backwards here. Australia is both a federation AND constitutional democracy. The "Liberal Party" is actually right-center. You don't vote for the Prime Minister - you vote for the party and then whoever is head of the party becomes the PM. Oh, and the PM LIVES IN MY TOWN! (And you can go tour his gardens every September.) It is a sweet world over here. Plus everyone calls the PM (Kevin Rudd) Kev. I love it. Good ol' Kev. JL and I are going to send him a little note inviting him to lunch - he is our neighbor after all!
I'm a member of the stick your head in the sand party too!
If you don't vote - don't complain! It is important to keep up with what is going on in the government, and don't ever keep your head in the sand. Problems can sneak up on you that way! I don't always understand everything, but I always try to vote with a little knowledge. I think you will too - eventually. Love, Mom
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